Welcome to Pet Expaw Season 1

Our Event's Advocacy:

3-Day Schedule Event:


  1. If you wish to join the Pet Conference & Seminar, email: petexpaw@gmail.com
  2. You are welcome to invite your dog-owner friends and family to support this great cause!
  3. Free Entrance to Audience (no ticket fee)
  4. Pet Expo Market is open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pmĀ 
  5. Location at King’s Road Angkor (Siem Reap City)

Pet Exhibition Registration Options:

Registration Deadline: 25 April 2022

*Before joining, we are encouraging interested participants to read and understand our Policies and Event Rules (read more)
Pet Expo Category 1

Category 1: Cute and Cuddly

$15.00 per dog entry

Pet Expo Category 2

Category 2: Owner Look A'Like

$15.00 per dog entry

Pet Expo Category 3

Category 3: One Dog Both Categories

$30.00 per dog entry

Interested to Join as Product Exhibitor?

Take your pick and register today! If you are under 12 years old, please ask guidance from your parents.

Become a Product Exhibitor

  1. We are OPEN to all pet-related business operators & organizations in Cambodia.
  2. Exhibitor’s Rules are mandatory to follow.
  3. Booth Sizes are subject to availability.

Partner Pet-Friendly Hotels

Oh boy it is not easy, but we have sorted this out! Check out the list of available Partner PET-FRIENDLY Hotels here in Siem Reap!